Sponsors - Keep Me Warm Doghouses


Our Sponsors

We thank the following corporate sponsors for their valuable support and urge other companies to join us. Help us provide protection, safety, and shelter to neglected backyard dogs not allowed to live indoors with their families. Your valued support helps bring us closer to achieving our mission to improve the lives of outdoor dogs, 1 house at a time.

To learn more about becoming a sponsor, please contact us at (347) 699-0867. Thank you for your interest.

AllState Medical Transportation

Allstate Transportation

Prompt, friendly and reliable service. AllState Medical Transportation accepts Medicaid and private pay and serves Nassau and Queens Counties in NY

Cara Mia


Cara Mia has great food at affordable prices.

Ambar Transportation


5 Star Rated - Ambar provides reliable, prompt and courteous service to non emergency medical appointments for people on Medicaid traveling within the boroughs of NYC or from Long Island to NYC and vice versa. Extended hrs service provided.

Ambutrans Ambulette


Ambutrans Ambulette provides safe, timely, and dependable service.  Livery car service also available.  They accept Medicaid and private pay. Extended hrs service provided.

Woken Vegan Ethical CBD

ethical CBD Woken Vegan

Woken vegan offers ethical CBD products for humans and their companion animals, elements for self healing and holistic health education.